Archive for November, 2007

Si in Barcelona sunt ceainarii

Wednesday, November 28th, 2007

Daca vreodata sunteti in Barcelona sa va duceti neaparat la o ceainarie numita Salterio, un loc mic si cu muzica foarte buna, cu lumina difuza si unde barmanii sunt proprietari, bucatari si chelneri toate in acelasi timp pentru ca probabil fac asta cu pasiune.

O ceainarie care mi-a adus aminte ca indiferent unde ai fi pe lumea asta, exista unele locuri in care pur si simplu te simti bine pentru ca au o intimitate si un farmec al lor aparte.

O ceainarie care mi-a adus aminte ca micile bucurii ale vietii sunt uneori cel putin la fel de importante ca idealurile si marile satisfactii.

Downtown New York

Wednesday, November 21st, 2007

Inainte sa plec in vacanta pentru cateva zile, va las cu o panorama cu downtown Manhattan de acum cateva luni. E facuta de pe o cladire de apartamente cand inca era cald si placut sa stai in soare undeva la etajul 40. ๐Ÿ™‚

Trees (again)

Sunday, November 18th, 2007

Am abandonat in sfarsit Gimp si am revenit la Photoshop, ma simteam de parca sunt in Siberia prelucrarii de imagini.

Despre urcusuri si coborasuri

Wednesday, November 14th, 2007

Multa vreme nu am inteles ca in viata exista urcusuri si coborasuri, ca nimic nu este perfect si ca asta este natural. De cand am avut revelatia asta, in loc sa fiu suparat si sa pun la suflet perioadele mai putin bune reusesc sa le privesc ceva mai detasat, sa stiu ca sunt doar parte dintr-un ciclu si ca totul este relativ.

Alex m-a facut sa ma gandesc din nou la asta, provocandu-ma sa spun ce fac eu atunci cand sunt suparat.

Am intrat in joc pentru ca mi se pare un subiect important si cred ca multi oameni, atunci cand li se intampla ceva, nu stiu sa ia o pauza, sa se detaseze un pic si sa aiba incredere in viitor si mai ales in ei insisi, sa creada si sa simta ca totul este trecator si ca depinde numai de ei sa fie fericiti.

Well, cand sunt suparat:

  • Incerc sa imi dau seama cat mai bine ca este un lucru natural. La fel cum moartea este parte din viata, fericirea este imposibila fara suferinta, iubirea fara despartiri sau inghetata de vanilie fara putina ciocolata.
  • Incerc sa ma gandesc daca in perspectiva chiar conteaza si este intr-adevar o drama ceea ce mi se intampla. De cele mai multe ori ‘dramele’ sunt doar lucruri de care peste un an ajung sa ma amuz, gandindu-ma ce prost eram de le-am lasat sa ma afecteze. ๐Ÿ™‚
  • Ma duc la un film. Imi place mult sa ma pierd in alte lumi, sa ma simt singur in intunericul salii de cinema, unde sunt doar eu si marele ecran. Daca este o comedie romantica, si mai bine.
  • Muncesc. Munca imi da energie si entuziasm, sunt fericit atunci cand fac lucruri care conteaza si care ma pasioneaza.
  • Desenez. Am descoperit asta demult la Galaciuc, procesul creatiei ma impresioneaza intotdeauna indiferent de rezultat, imi place sa aleg culori si sa le transform din nimic in ceva.

Eu sunt in general un optimist, cred in viitor si in prezent, cred ca nimic nu este final sau ireparabil. Toate lucruri se intampla cu un motiv si viata e plina de surprize, asa ca sa fii suparat pentru mai mult de cateva zile nu are sens decat pentru a te motiva sa schimbi lucrurile.

O zi obisnuita

Wednesday, November 14th, 2007

Intr-o vreme eram foarte indragostit de New York. Inca mai sunt.

Sambata m-a trezit la 11am. M-am intalnit pentru brunch cu Otilia si cu doi prieteni intr-un loc israelian unde am mancat omleta cu hummus si tabouli. Am plecat spre patinoarul in aer liber din Bryant Park dar era prea aglomerat asa ca ne-am decis sa vedem un film. Pentru ca tot eram aproape ne-am dus la unul din cinema-urile din Times Square unde Dan In Real Life a fost mai bun decat ma asteptam.

Ne-am intors in East Village la localul meu preferat, The Bourgeois Pig, un loc cu muzica excelenta, cu cocktailuri de vin cum nu mai sunt niciunde si fotolii, dupa care am ajuns la un party in Brooklyn si apoi acasa.

Imi plac mult zilele astea petrecute aiurea in orasul asta atat de diferit, unde in aceeasi zi ajungi dintr-un loc intim din East Village in mult prea turisticul Times Square, unde toate sunt atat de diverse si sunt atatea locuri cu un farmec aparte.

p.s. Stiu ca scriu din ce in ce mai rar mesaje din acestea personale si aparent am speriat toti comentatorii cu mesajul meu mult prea tehnic despre Actionscript Unit Testing. ๐Ÿ™‚ Sper sa nu va fi speriat de tot. ๐Ÿ™‚

Ploaie la ore tarzii in New York

Saturday, November 10th, 2007

Rain Drops

Rain Drops

Apropo de bloguri de corporatie

Thursday, November 8th, 2007

Saptamana trecuta am fost intr-o intalnire cu Karen Wickre, cea care se ocupa de blogurile Google, si asta mi-a adus aminte din nou de blogurile de corporatie.

A fost o intalnire fascinanta pentru ca a fost numai Q&A despre blogging, despre cum priveste fenomenul, despre cum priveste blogul Google. A fost o intalnire interna, dar cautand sa aflu mai multe despre ce a spus public Karen Wickre, am dat peste articolul asta din care mi-a placut urmatorul paragraf (cu dedicatie speciala pentru Claudiu Gamulescu), sublinierea imi apartine. ๐Ÿ™‚

For us, the blog platform is a fast way to publish news and notes about Google and to directly reach millions of people. It’s so fast and easy compared to newsletters or, God-forbid, press releases. It is a PR platform, but we try hard to make it not traditional PR-like.

Cititi intregul articol, merita (daca sunteti interesati de blogging si mai ales de blogging corporate).

Continuous Actionscript 2 and Actionscript 3 unit testing

Wednesday, November 7th, 2007

This is a very technical post, so if you are not interested in Actionscript or Unit Testing, you can stop reading.

Some context
A few weeks ago I gave a talk to the Flash Coders NY group about Unit Testing. The talk was mainly oriented towards the benefits of unit testing, but since I’ve taken the time to set up an automatic test runner for the talk, I also took the time to clean it up, make it work for Actionscript2 and make it as easy to use out of the box as possible.

Hopefully this will lower the frustrations of all those that want to start looking into Actionscript Unit Testing but get turned off by all the broken links, complicated tutorials and puzzles that you need to put together to get it working.

So what is this?
Hopefully, an out of the box automatic test runner for both Actionscript3 and Actionscript2 (I couldn’t find any other for As2). Included are also some small unit tests so you can start playing with it fast (out of the box, right?).

By automatic I understand a test runner that compiles, runs and closes without the need of a user, but only through a script, and prints all it’s output to stdout. All of these are necessary conditions for setting up a continuous build, something that is very desirable (since we are all very lazy).

If you are really lazy
If you are too lazy (or too good ๐Ÿ™‚ ) to read all this, just download and try it out. If it doesn’t work, come back and read on. I suspect you’ll come back. ๐Ÿ™‚

System requirements
I’ve worked on this on my MacOS X, I also tested on Linux. It should work on Windows too (but I admit I have not tested yet, I should do it these days).

On your machine, you also need:

  • a standalone Flash Player 9 in your command path (I’ve put mine under /usr/local/bin on linux). You can download it from here.
  • on MacOSX you have to make sure that the standalone Flash Player is the default app for opening swf files. If from a terminal you type “open SomeExampleSwf.swf” and the flash player opens with that file, it’s great. If not, make that happen.
  • you need javac, ant, mtasc (if you want As2) and the flex sdk (if you want As3). If you are thinking of Unit Testing, you should be able to install those yourself. ๐Ÿ™‚
  • Steps to run your first unit tests

  • 1. Make sure the system prerequisits are met
  • 1.1. If you plan on running the As2 Unit Tests you need to do an extra step, you need to add your path to the FlashPlayerTrust directory.
    On MacOS: Create a directory /Library/Application Support/Macromedia/FlashPlayerTrust
    On Linux: Create a directory /etc/adobe/FlashPlayerTrust (or ~/.macromedia/Flash_Player/#Security/FlashPlayerTrust)
    On Windows: C:\windows\system32\Macromedia\Flash\FlashPlayerTrust
    In that directory, create a “trust.cfg” file and add a path to your favorite directory in that file. This will tell the flash player to trust the swf files in that directory.
  • 2. Download and extract it in your favorite directory.
  • 3. Edit such that the mtasc and flex.sdk paths match your configuration.
  • 4. From the directory where you extracted the archive, in a terminal, type “ant”.
  • You should be all done. If it doesn’t work, let me know (I swear, it works for me ๐Ÿ™‚ ).
    [update] You should also take a look at the video here, a project that became ProjectSprouts (don’t let the name turn you off). Worth checking out.[/update]

    What might not work

  • This should work on Linux, MacOS and Windows. I only tested on MacOS (where I cleaned everything up) and Linux.
  • If you have trouble with the security sandbox (the swf opens, but it throws an error) read more about FlashPlayerTrust.
  • If ‘ant’ has trouble launching the flash player, there is some issue with your standalone flash player and path.
  • If you have trouble compiling your swf’s, there are issues with MTASC and the Flex compiler. Check that they are set up correctly and that you can manually compile stuff with them.
  • Some final thoughts
    This is put together starting from the work done here by a guy named Peter Martin. As all the other tutorials they are made from many pieces and you have to tune everything for it to work, so I wanted a super easy out of the box solution. Credits do go to Peter Martin, I just cleaned his work, made it output to stdout and made it work with As2.

    A good resource for related work done by various people is here.

    In order to make AsUnit (actionscript2) work, I had to make some very very slight changes to AsUnit (to allow a listener deeper investigation of
    the framework). This means you can’t just replace AsUnit code with newer code, it will stop working. The good news is, I got it working for As2 (which nobody else did as far as I can tell, they are all blinded by flexunit ๐Ÿ™‚ ).

    FlexUnit is out of the box (no changes there).

    I’ve left the Eclipse/Flex files in the directory, so ideally you could import this as a project into Eclipse and simply run it with Ant, so that you could make development and testing a breeze.

    The runner produces some XML output too, for some software called Cruise Control (I never used it). I had to change the java socket listener to display text output (this was a substantial part of the work, along with the as2 port).

    My very own xkcd episode

    Sunday, November 4th, 2007

    My hobby: when she says 'just friends', make useless PlanB's

    Inspirat din fapte reale (din pacate). ๐Ÿ˜€

    Halloween 2007, fuse si se duse

    Thursday, November 1st, 2007

    Inca o zi de nebunie la servici si pe strazi, o zi unde toata lumea este ciudata si cei ‘normali’ par sa nu isi aiba locul in multime.

    Halloween 2007 2

    Halloween 2007