Today’s Google Doodle

I’m sure I’m not the only one who’s first thought was this. 🙂 The doodle is here.

5 Responses to “Today’s Google Doodle”

  1. Luc says:

    Google juice! Apparently if you drink it you pagerank will grow.

  2. Corbel says:

    I guess it’s not easy to draw vitamin C 🙂

  3. Seba says:

    Si eu tot la “suc de portocala” ma gandeam .
    Partea buna e ca stiu acum cine a descoperit vitamina C 🙂
    Interesanta poveste …

  4. Compass says:

    Si eu tot la suc m-am gandit.

  5. Annonymous says:

    My first thought when I saw your picture:

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